‘No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up!’

Breeda O' Connell

‘No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up!’

Welcome to my Website!!

I am so grateful to finally have this dedicated space that allows me to tell the world just what BOC Image Consulting is all about! Making a real connection with women just like me, navigating their way through life with all it’s up and downs and constant new challenges, it at the very heart of what I do.

What We Go through We Grow Through

Life is ever changing and we are always growing & evolving. Our experiences shape us, and as women we experience these changes in a unique way as we adapt ourselves in line with our changing roles. There will always be unexpected challenges along the way, that will knock us off course temporarily and sometimes force us to re-route. But ultimately, we make it through and for the most part come out the other side wiser & stronger.

Sometimes Pieces Get Lost Along The Way

But sometimes pieces of us get lost along the way. Our list of responsibilities gets longer and our priorities shift. A lot of times, it is ourselves that drop to the bottom of this list, and by the time everything else is done, there is little time or energy left for our own needs.

With time … we realise that we don’t feel quiet like ourselves, like something is missing, like we’re stuck in a rut…

Rekindling the Joy of Clothes & Style

When we take time for ourselves we begin to remember how good it feels when we know we look our best. We start to remember the importance & significance of clothes and the part they play in our lives. Think of all the best moments of your life, what do you remember – where you were, who you were with – what you were wearing.

Clothes Have Power

Clothes impact our self-image, can be a reflection of our self-worth, and they strongly impact our mood and how we show up in the world. This in turn effects the quality of our interactions, even making us more effective & productive. Our inner and outer self-images are inextricably linked and one feeds into the other. When we take the time to dress in order to look our best, we feel better & more confident. This can become an upward spiral of positivity.

My Mission “To Reawaken Your Passion for Style & Connect to Your Best Self”

My mission is to use the vehicle of Style, Image & Colour, to give you an easy and accessible method of self-expression. I want to give you the practical tools you need to make even one area of your life easier. Here I will share my insights from working with clients, expert style tips & tricks, style inspiration and much more! I want you to get energised & excited about clothes again! I want you to reawaken your passion for style! I want to help you to reconnect to your best self. And always remember:

‘No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up!’